Screenshot Mouseover JT-65 HF is easy to use. Entire Qso's can be made with a few clicks of the mouse. A separate, ACCURATE Time Server program like 'Symmtime' must be installed and running to decode properly!!
Download JT-65 HF setup instructions and software at
JT-65A is a relatively new sound card digimode specially optimized for HF and Dx, and very resistant to QRM / QSB. It is known as a the "weak signal" mode and can be decoded at an extremely low SNR (-24 dB) level. JT-65HF software is amazingly intuitive and easy to use.
More about JT-65A Mode and JT-65 HF Software

CQ and QSO exchange info. is sent using templates activated by Mouse clicks. The keyboard is only used to make modifications to templates or create short manual entries.
Manual messasges can be sent containing up to 13 characters at a one time. The JT-65A vocabulary includes: numbers 0-9, caps A-Z, space, and punctuation + - . / and ?
DX contacts around the world can be worked with very low power, often 20 watts or less, and a signal can be copied with as weak as -24 DB signal-to-noise level.
JT-65 HF software can be set to automatically poll and display active received signals from across a pre-set passband, similar to the superbrowser in HRD's DM-780.
Rig Control/PTT is possible through HRD, Power SDR, other third party software, and COM ports.
Contacts are made in a brief and simplified format with exchange of callsigns, signal report, grid location, and salutations, similar to contesting format. (A typical QSO involves 3-4 one minute exchages from each station.)
The Radio can be “parked” on a designated JT-65A USB frequency and the software will then control bandpass. Frequencies are : 28.076, 24.920, 21.076, 18.120,14.076, 10.139, 7.036, 7.039, 7.076, 3.576, 1.838, and 1.805 mHz.
More Resources for JT-65 A and JT-65HF
- A time sync. program, like Symmtime, for JT-65HF decoding calibration.
- Computer with a CPU of 1.5 GHz or faster to efficiently handle the sofware's multi-decode capabilties.
- Tx power of 50 watts USB, or less. (JT-65A is a great mode for QRP.)
Basic Requirements Include -